RKI SDM-2012 Calibration Stn
Product Code: HS-880559
The SDM-2012 calibration station for GX-2012 offers advanced features for charging, calibration and bump testing. Once you power up the GX-2012 inside the SDM-2012 calibration module, the GX-2012’s display will indicate whether it’s transmitting data, bump testing, calibrating, as well as the results of the bump test or calibration. Network up to 10 SDM-2012 stations to charge, calibrate, and bump test 10 instruments simultaneously.
Compatible with both GX-2012
Automatically charge, bump test and calibrate
Auto on/off for scheduled calibration
Stand-alone station, no PC required
Multiple modules can use one calibration equipment
Save Bump Test, Calibration, and Alarm Check records
Includes PC software for viewing/archiving records